One Book, One Parish

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Product Name

Station to Station

An Ignatian Journey through the Stations of the Cross

This Ignatian exploration of the Stations of the Cross examines Jesus' response to his own suffering and how his reactions can guide us in difficult times.

5 Things with Father Bill

Hope, Humor, and Help for the Soul

5 Things with Father Bill is a fun, practical guide to help readers find meaning in everyday experiences, while recognizing that God can be found in life’s simplest acts.

Enough as You Are

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Appreciating the Gift of You

Weber reflects on her experiences of self-doubt, insecurity, growth, and discovery that she, like all of us, is already enough and worthy of God's love.

Living the Sacraments

Finding God at the Intersection of Heaven and Earth

Joe Paprocki demystifies the Catholic sacraments and presents them as a way of life to be experienced each day, rather than as standalone events. This book is part of The Catechist's Toolbox Series.

Vivir los sacramentos

Encontrar a Dios en la interseccion de cielo y tierra

Joe Paprocki desmitifica los sacramentos de la Iglesia Católica, presentándolos no como eventos independientes sino como una forma de vida que se ha de experimentar cada día. This book is part of The Catechist's Toolbox Series.

The Inner Chapel

Embracing the Promises of God

The Inner Chapel draws on spiritual ideas and practices from the Catholic faith to guide readers towards inner closeness to God that is available to all.

I Am with You

Lessons of Hope and Courage in Times of Crisis

Cardinal Dolan provides meditations and reflections full of insight, hope, and healing from his homilies during the early days of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.

The 15-Minute Prayer Solution

How One Percent of Your Day Can Transform Your Life

Stories and prayer exercises that guide readers into a heightened awareness of God and help them develop spiritual "muscles" in just 15 minutes a day.

Positively Catholic

25 Really Good Reasons to Love the Faith, Live the Faith, and Share the Faith

For anyone looking for reasons to be positive about, and encouraged by, the Catholic faith.

Mercy in the City

How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job

A young, single woman lives a "regular" life amid the daily pressures of New York City while also living a life devoted to service and practicing real works of mercy in a meaningful manner.

Living the Mass

How One Hour a Week Can Change Your Life

In Living the Mass, Joe Paprocki, DMin, and Fr. Dominic Grassi convincingly show how the one hour spent at Mass on Sunday can truly transform the other 167 hours of the week.

Vivir la misa

Como una hora a la semana puede cambiar tu vida

Explica detallademente cómo cada parte de la misa se relaciona con la llamada que recibimos en el bautismo, poniendo en estrecha relación la misa dominical y el resto de nuestra semana.

A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer

Discovering the Power of St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen

Break through the prayer barrier with Jim Manney's simple yet profound form of praying in A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer.

Una oración sencilla que cambia la vida

Descubriendo el poder del Examen Diario de san Ignacio de Loyola

Jim Manney presenta a los cristianos una forma de oración que existe desde hace 500 años y que cambió drásticamente la forma en que él reza y la manera en que "ve" la vida.